Ways To Bleed Brakes In Vehicles

 When your vehicle is in motion, and you stretch your leg on the brake pedal, to apply the brake, there is a little action that occurs here. Once a force comes in contact with the brake pedal, it will cause an action that will stop the vehicle momentarily. In this article, you will learn how to bleed bleed brakes in vehicles.

What does the term brake bleeding mean? It simply refers to a process that allows a small opening of the valve at the wheel cylinder or caliper; this is to result in maximum control of brake fluids to escape the system.  Taking a deep thought about bleeding, it could be likened to a graphic term; however, it appropriately describes the release of vital fluids.

Brakes are being bled, to give room to escape of air that will later be trapped, within the system.  Technically, air can only penetrate the system, when there is a compromise of the system sealing.  A good example is if the flex lines are changed or removed.  This is because, there will be fluid vapor when fluid boils, and as a result, there is an efficiency loss in the braking system, if there is air or vapor in the braking system.  NOTE:  for the sake of simplicity, and easy assimilation, we shall be making use of the term air, to describe air and vapor.

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The air causes inefficiency in the braking system because it can’t be compressed, unlike liquid. Now the question is how does air get into the line? Most of the time, It could be as a result of an upgrade on the system, or service procedure.  An example is replacing the stock flex lines of braid lines with stainless steel.  Another reason, which is as well mostly common, is when there is a high temperature, which could make the brake fluid boil, thus turning the brake fluid into a vapor.

This would make one complete and reason deeply on the right type of fluid that should be used in the liquid fluid.  Judging by theory, simple water can be used, because water can’t be compressed, however, it should be noted that one of the fundamental functions of the braking system, is to generate heat energy from kinetic energy, from a process known as friction. And an indisputable fact of this process is that some of the parts in the braking system are exposed to a very high temperature.  We all know that water boils at 212 degrees Celsius, and this heat could be achieved within the braking system, which can easily turn water into vapor, which could lead to inefficiency in the braking system.

An obvious solution to this problem, Is to make use of fluid that boils at high temperature, hence, there will be less vapor in the braking system, but unfortunately, there is no perfect fluid that can work for this. And just as it’s applying to almost everything In this life, the addition of certain characteristics, or similar things to make something work better, always comes with its side effects.  Also, when it comes to brake fluid systems, There is a high need to make use of substances that can resist high temperatures, and at the same time, have less impact on other components.

Furthermore, it’s quite possible to reduce a brake fluid sensitivity to temperature by making use of varied ingredients. However, making use of certain fluid that can resist high temperature, can lead to the high cost of brake fluid, and can also have a significant impact, by causing corrosion on other components of the vehicle.  The rating of the chemical composition of the fluid is mostly indicated via the following format DOT4, DOT3, DOT5. The DOT rating is always assigned after vigorous government testing. The DOT rating indicates the compound that is present in brake fluid.


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